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Sustainable Agricultural Practices under climate change Training Workshop

Climate change is a stern menace to worldwide food security, sustainable growth and development and poverty eradication. To date food security and ecosystem resilience are the most concerning subjects worldwide. Due to ever increasing population and increase in demand of fruits and vegetables, farmers have adapted new techniques to increase per unit production. This involves the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Although production has increased at farm level, but quality of fruits and vegetables is seriously affected. Moreover, irrigation with sewage water in per urban areas has arisen serious health concerns for consumers. Growing your own food is becoming increasingly popular due to its economic, environmental, and health benefits. Kitchen gardening allows you to control what you eat, save money and reduce your carbon footprints. So, feeling the importance of kitchen gardening the Department of Botany, GC Women University Faisalabad in the kind patronage of worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Zill-I-Huma Nazli., organized one day hands-on training activity on ???Sustainable Agricultural Practices under climate change??? on Thursday October 12, 2023. Chief Organizer, Acting Chairperson, Department of Botany, Dr. Abida Kausar, gave an overview of the activity. The technical session was physically attended by more than 150 participants. The resource persons Dr. Sajid Iqbal Sandhu CEO Green Circle Inc. and Dr. Shahzad Maqsood Ahmad Basra, Motivational Speaker and Emanant Scientist gave demonstrations to participants on various aspects of kitchen farming. The participants were taught how to prepare garden beds, soil health assessment, tunnel farming setup, hydroponic basics, seed sowing, watering, transplanting, thinning and finally watch them grow. At the end of this hands-on training session seeds of various fruits and vegetables were distributed among the participants to encourage them to establish their home kitchen gardens. Overwhelming response from participants has encouraged the organizing team to arrange similar activities in future.